Welcome to "the winning image"

“If you can IMAGINE it, you can CREATE it. If you can DREAM it, you can BECOME it.” William Arthur Ward

Congratulations! You have decided to embrace the THOUGHT that you can be and do whatever you IMAGINE. Embarking upon this quest demonstrates your desire and determination to be transformed, first and foremost, by renewing your mind. You must realize that your outer expressions and actions will only be the results of inward reflections. You are the sum total of your thoughts.
“Sooner or later, those who WIN are those who THINK they can”! Richard Bach
A Successful Life is always under construction. But, we are houses not built by Man, and the blueprint of our destiny has all the building materials needed within to erect the winning image……the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. And although As HE is So are We, when we combine our distorted IMAGE with our erroneous THOUGHTS, our performance in life appears mediocre and unsuccessful. But if we,
“Change our IMAGE, we will Change Our PERFORMANCE” E.J. McKenzie
You may see yourself as average or even below average. You may think that your windows of opportunities to achieve greatness have closed and your timeline to become successful in whatever you desire has passed you by. What you SEE will cause you to SAY Words that will eventually Frame Your World. But TODAY, look within and SEE the wellspring of success, wealth and prosperity, deeply embedded with unlimited possibilities waiting for you to simply SEE, BELIEVE and SAY, “There is no Failure in God and therefore there is no failure in me”. MY Success is NOT Negotiable! What about yours? “Men are born to SUCCEED, not to fail” Henry David Thorough

Yesterday I dared to struggle, today I dare to WIN”! Bernadette Devlin

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's In Your Hand?

Have you ever thought or said to someone else, “IF things were different, I could really succeed... IF I had a better job; IF I had a better education; IF I had a thousand dollars or a million dollars. IF I were born rich; IF I was married or IF I was single! IF I had transportation; IF I wasn’t in foreclosure or tied down to this mortgage for the next twenty years; “If only I had this, or if only I had that". IF I didn’t have to work! IF only we weren’t in a recession!!! Notice the common thread of failure, is the WORD “IF”!

IF, represents a WORD filled with excuses….. in a world filled with unlimited possibilities. Your situation today is no different than those who have decided to not allow the IF factor to determine their destiny. Instead they have decided to allow the GOD in them to prove that He is bigger than “IF” and HE is more than enough!

WHAT IF” you stopped waiting for things to get better, before you made them better. “What IF” you revisited your dreams and your ideas and stepped out in faith. “What IF” you decided to create a solution to the problem. “What IF” you allowed your gift to make room for you in your area of interest, expertise or passion. “What IF” today you decided to experience the perfect WILL of God for your life!

First recognize that YOU HOLD the power to do something with your life, regardless of the economy, your background, your upbringing, your lack of education or your past mistakes.
Let’s look at a character in the bible named Moses as an example
Moses was chosen by God before He was born to be the nation’s deliverer. He did not apply for the job and yet his life’s circumstances prepared him to BE and DO what God created Him to do. During the PROCESS, He would find out he was adopted. One day the son of a great ruler and they next day the son of a slave. He was evicted from his home and went from the PALACE to the PITs! He was labeled a murderer; He was hated by those he thought were his countrymen and even more hated by his own people. He dealt with shame, disgrace, disbelief, dishonor, lack, hunger, abandonment, and driven to live in the wilderness as a vagabond with no kingdom and no home; and YET, none of those circumstances and situations changed who HE was and WHAT he was destined to do and become………He was a Deliverer!

But, while becoming who he was, Moses would often give God excuses for WHY he felt he was not ready to MAKE A DIFFERENCE…. His background, His speech impediment, His past deeds, His outstanding warrant for arrest, lack of money or resources, no home, no supportive family or friends, no transportation and of course he didn’t have a designer suite to wear to his presentation before the king! As a matter of fact when he was told to step out , he did, without a plan. All he had was a command from God… to “JUST DO IT” ( hmmm, sounds familiar… another billion dollar idea!)

So, one day while giving God another excuse about WHY he couldn’t do what God created him to do, God said, “MOSES… What do you have in your hands?” In the natural it appeared to be only a simple staff or a rod. God then said, throw what you have to the ground. When Moses did, it turned into a snake and Moses jumped away in fear. Now God said, grab the snake by the tail. In other words, Moses that which you fear, grab by the tail, you take dominion over it. You subdue it and it will become the instrument that I will use to deliver My people. Then God said and I continue paraphrasing, “Trust me Moses, if you use what you have in your hand… people will know, that the God of your ancestors appeared to you. They will know that I AM is with you and YOU will prosper in the thing I have sent you to do!”

Today I ask you, What’s in Your hands? What are your dreams, ideas, passions; your heart’s desires. That song you wrote , but no one ever sang. The book waiting to be written, that the world needs to read; that witty invention; that recipe everyone brags on; that game; that gadget; that design; that business that can revolutionize this recession. You need to know that, “God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think, according to the power that is at WORK inside of you”…… The opportune word is At WORK, not sitting dormant or idle, procrastinating, embittered or upset, oppressed or depressed… but Doing what you were created to do. Something that others can use to better their way of life or to enjoy it.
Then people will know that GOD appeared to you and is with you too! So, What’s in your hands?

In the wilderness is where the answers are birthed. Solutions are created. Problems are solved. Questions are answered. It was in the wilderness Moses went in as the son of a slave, but came out KNOWING He was the leader and the deliverer of a nation. When God needs to rescue a nation, Leaders are born. Ideas are realized. A way is made out of no way!

In this recession, there is something that ONLY you can do to recession proof your home, your neighborhood, your organization, your business, your city, your state, this nation… and become a deliverer for those you know and don’t know! You are the answer we are waiting for! As a matter of fact, the earth is groaning for the sons of God to manifest and be all that we were created to BE! Now is the time to put to use…. What’s in YOUR Hands!

Did you know that in times like these the world’s greatest inventions were birthed. Inventions solves the need of necessities. During the great Depression, people like you and I decided to give the world God’s solution and reveal what was in their hands. In the greatest time of lack and poverty they took their ideas and became solutions to the world’s economic crisis. And when the crisis was over, (because everything has a season and a time, and everything will change), they became very, very, very rich!!! Their legacy lives on today!

Inventions that became very resourceful to the world during this recession, were like the Supermarket, a discounted food store that made it convenient to purchase more than just fresh produce from one location. The Xerography, which later became known as a Xerox machine. This made it convenient to make copies instead of hiring people to type the same thing over and over. The Washeteria, which became known as the Laundromat - a way for disenfranchised people to wash and dry clothes in the same place, with electric machines for a dime an hour.
There was the Tampax; The Car Radio, The Chocolate Chip Cookie (the Tollhouse recipe can still be found published on all of Nestle’s Chocolate wrappers. Talk about residual income)! And, shaving would never be the same after the Electric Razor was invented. My alltime favorite or this era was, MONOLPOLY. A game invented that the nation would play, with dreams of getting rich and the hopes of owning property. This game was introduced at a time when foreclosures and unemployment were at an all time high. And, while the homeless stood in soup lines, Mr Darrow believed, that if he could get people to pretend to have money and own property, and even hope to one day own a home on Park Avenue, then maybe one day the economy would reflect what they believed. And with time that belief system would have the power to change their circumstance and situation.

Now history will tell you that soon after the Great Depression, someone did own a house on Park Avenue and someone did own the Boardwalk; and a whole lot of people made money and many, many people went from being homeless to homeowners. As a nation we walked right out of the Great Depression and into “The New Deal” era. Can I tell you, that Parker Bros. turned Mr. Darrow down three times, but he never gave up on his dream to bring hope to people during a depression. Even if it was only by playing his board game! Mr. Darrow went on to sell his game of dreams anyway, and over 5000 games later, Parker Bros. caught up with his dream and purchased from him their biggest money maker of all its games!

So I ask you, What’s in your hands today?….
God has given you a gift, a talent, an ability, a skill… it will make room for you in whatever industry or arena you choose. What you must realize is, what you have in your hand was given to you by God. You did not even choose it, but God chose you for it. And He chose it , not for you, but for others. Now the benefits you will recieve will have great dividends and it is priceless!
So, don’t wait for the perfect conditions. Don’t wait until you have enough money. Don’t wait until your kids graduate from college. Don’t wait until you get a better job, or a better car or home. Don’t wait for permission, Give yourself permission to be and do what you were created to do. Nothing beats a failure but a TRY!!! Don’t be practical when it comes to your dreams- become radical… The Kingdom of God is suffering violence, but the violent ( those who won’t quit or give up) must take it by force!

Now I must caution you in advance, Once you step out, Like Moses, you will face others who will oppose you and not support you. They’ll even try to talk you out of it! They’ll put their rods on the ground just like you. But in the end, Moses rod swallowed up the competition, WHY because there was no competition to begin with. What God has for you is for you! But FEAR (false evidence appearing real)won’t let you do it. It will find a reason and a way to sabotage your success if you let it. So, I encourage you today to Have Faith in God! The God of all Gods is with you. And if God be for you WHO can be against you! Sooner or later you will realize like Moses, the rod was never the instrument of power and ability…. God was and He still is… yesterday, today and forever!

Now at the set time, Moses did do what God created him to do. It did not come without hardship or pain, or even without trial and error, but it came just the same. In the end, with that same ROD in his hand, God used him and it, to part the Red Sea and deliver his people from the hands of a Pharaoh – (slavery, bondage, doubt, disbelief, fear, and failure) into a land of promise. He was a Deliverer!

Today is the day to take what’s in your hands and use it for God’s glory. You’ve been called to part whatever red sea that is blocking you from crossing over to your land of promise -(prosperity, joy and freedom). You can make a difference. YES YOU CAN! Because you have been empowered to know, that with God all things are possible to those that believe. Step out in faith…..come on, Release what’s in your hands to the world!

Yesterday I dared to struggle…today I dared to WIN!! Winners Make the Difference!

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