Welcome to "the winning image"

“If you can IMAGINE it, you can CREATE it. If you can DREAM it, you can BECOME it.” William Arthur Ward

Congratulations! You have decided to embrace the THOUGHT that you can be and do whatever you IMAGINE. Embarking upon this quest demonstrates your desire and determination to be transformed, first and foremost, by renewing your mind. You must realize that your outer expressions and actions will only be the results of inward reflections. You are the sum total of your thoughts.
“Sooner or later, those who WIN are those who THINK they can”! Richard Bach
A Successful Life is always under construction. But, we are houses not built by Man, and the blueprint of our destiny has all the building materials needed within to erect the winning image……the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. And although As HE is So are We, when we combine our distorted IMAGE with our erroneous THOUGHTS, our performance in life appears mediocre and unsuccessful. But if we,
“Change our IMAGE, we will Change Our PERFORMANCE” E.J. McKenzie
You may see yourself as average or even below average. You may think that your windows of opportunities to achieve greatness have closed and your timeline to become successful in whatever you desire has passed you by. What you SEE will cause you to SAY Words that will eventually Frame Your World. But TODAY, look within and SEE the wellspring of success, wealth and prosperity, deeply embedded with unlimited possibilities waiting for you to simply SEE, BELIEVE and SAY, “There is no Failure in God and therefore there is no failure in me”. MY Success is NOT Negotiable! What about yours? “Men are born to SUCCEED, not to fail” Henry David Thorough

Yesterday I dared to struggle, today I dare to WIN”! Bernadette Devlin

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Winning Day - Day 23 - Breaking Habits & Cycles!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Winning Day - Day 23

I found myself in dark place. Depressed from Oppressive circumstances and situations! Feeling Stagnated and Hopeless, became an all too familiar place. Having the Word, but denying the power thereof became a theme, which I SPOKE into a reality. So I decided to embark upon a 40 day Fast from Negative Thinking. My adapted philosophy from my mentor (one I received, teach and speak) is: 'Change your image (INTERNAL TRANSFORMATION), You will change your performance (EXTERNAL MANIFESTATION)! Seasons and Cycles can become habits we expect. But our Expectations can also become breeding grounds ripe for a miracle....For A Change! So today I am fasting from the following thought.... "I can't break this cycle or I always end up doing this, during this season!" Think about it....What "HABIT" are you allowing to rule and reign, that you KNOW you have dominion over, but refuse to exercise your authority and power???? Let's look at possible solutions that will make this The Winning Day!

The Winning Image: Today we're fasting from the thought that says:"I just can't break this habit." Many think they are stuck with things the way they are. Let's CHANGE IT TODAY: Understand the nature of the battle. It starts with a thought, then a decision, an action, then a habit. Deal with the thought. Don't focus on trying to change the habit. Change the thoughts, and the habit WILL CHANGE!

The Winning Revelation: Reach beyond your self-imposed limitations that have been established by fear. It is time for you to do what you've never had the courage or confidence to do. This is your time to shine in the darkness of defeat and condemnation. Rise up with boldness and fresh hope, and do what you have wanted and needed to do. Stand squarely in the face of consternation and break through to resounding victory, says the Lord.

The Winning Confession: Think IT & Say IT.
I am not bound to my past or former habits. This is the year of New Cycles and Divine Order. I am a New Creature in Christ. The power of these habits have been broken. I feed myself thoughts that empower me. I am more than a conqueror and cannot be controlled by anything but the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Greater is HE that is in me, than he that influences this world system built upon illusions that appear in external circumstances and situations. The TRUTH will prevail & Set me FREE, IN Jesus Name.

The Winning Inspiration:(Psalms 18:29 )For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall.)

The Winning Antidote: With your body relaxed, form a mental picture of what you want. Concentrate! Hold that picture for two minutes. Picture it so clearly that you can see yourself doing it, or being it, or having it. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is the Man!

The Winning Song: Lord of the Breakthrough: Israel Houghton & New Breed

"Yesterday I dared to struggle, today I dare to WIN”!

My Success is NOT Negotiable!
Kingdom Blessings, Rhonda

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Winning Day - Day 12

Day 12:Today we’re fasting from financial fear.“What if I end up poor?; "I’m afraid I’ll never be financially well off"; "What if I make the wrong move or investment?"

1. Embrace God as your source—your only source. That doesn’t mean you don’t work or save. But fix your mind on God as provider. He is Jehovah Jireh—your provider (Genesis 22:12-14).

2. “Poor” thinking leads to “poor” living. Replace ‘poverty’ thinking (just getting by), with ‘prosperity’ thinking (more than enough for you AND others). Look up Romans 8:32. God supplies us with all things RICHLY to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).

3. Stop thinking God and money don’t mix. Trusting both don’t mix. God provides. TRUST God, not money. Trusting the wrong thing produces wrong choices.

4. Renew your mind to the purpose of money. God wants you blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:1-3) Deuteronomy 8:18 says He gives us the power to get wealth—TO ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT.

5. YOU HAVE CONTROL. Say it and believe it. You control your financial future by the seeds you sow and by the plans you make. For God already has an expected end to the PLAN.... and its mmm-mmm good!

6. BELIEVE in the power of wisdom. You can ask for and receive MORE THAN YOU NEED (James 1:5). Solomon asked for wisdom, and he became wealthy. (2 Chronicles 1:11)

THINK IT & SAY IT:I embrace God as my source. He provides all things richly for me to enjoy. I rebuke the fear of being poor. I'm in control of my financial future through my giving and my living & I expect the wisdom of God to flood my life beginning today, in Jesus Name.

My Success is NOT Negotiable.... What about yours?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Facing the Giants! ( Giant-Slayers)

Wow, what a game Sunday. The New Orleans Saints….. the underdogs WON for the first time ever… The Super Bowl! They came to Miami and they Slayed their Giants! They overcame the city’s tragedy. They over came their reputation. They overcame the setbacks. They overcame the news media hype!~ They overcame the Baltimore Colts and the persona of Payton Manning! They even over came the endorsement of Dan Marino himself calling the Sun Stadium "Peyton’s Place". They stayed the course, even though by the 3rd quarter they were virtually written off. They did not give up NOR did they give in. And in the end David slew Goliath!

In I Samuel 17:23-27, we read how David faced Giant named Goliath. This fearsome warrior was challenging the armies of God for forty-days and forty nights and everyone including the king was afraid of him. The armies of Israel believed that they would be defeated. Nevertheless, David saw defeat as an opportunity to WIN. He knew that the God he served and loved was BIGGER than any Giant he had to face. Why do some people win and others lose? Why do some soar while others sink? Why do some cower in fear, while others rise up to the challenge in faith? Why do some give up, when challenged with an opportunity to do more and be more!

What is your corresponding response when situations occur and problems arise in your life, In your marriage, on your job, in your business? Is it one of panic, fear, doubt, unbelief, anguish, weariness, depression? Or is it one of hope, assurance, faith, peace, perseverance, creativity, soundness and stability. The problems you face are not your real challenge. The real challenge is in knowing and believing that YOU are bigger and greater than any problem you can face, because the greater one lives on the inside. In HIM you are more than able to conquer and overcome any giants you face. You are not a victim, but Victorious! The situation you’re going through may look Gargantuas, but can I tell you… Giants do come down! I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Hopefully, you can learn from my "Teachable Moments" from 2008 to 2009!

David had a winner’s perspective. David possessed The Winning Image! He did not focus on Goliath the Giant, but he focused on seeing himself as a Giant-slayer. How do you see yourself ? Winners don’t allow themselves to be shaped by circumstances, situations, recessions, unemployment or lack of business prospects or opportunities. Winners make lemonade out of lemons. They slay the giants. (excuse my French) But Winners, kick but and take names! This is what I thought, I thought Winners,think their way out of a problem. They pray their way out of a problem. They plan their way out of a problem, They fight their way (spiritually) a way out of the problem. They SEE their way put of a problem. They Speak or confess their way out of a problem. But what I found out is that Winners don't even SEE the problem as a Problem, But a God-given opportunity to WIN! Instead, they stay the course as they praise their way out of the problem,right into the promises of God. For they remember in the midst of the battle, that they are More than Conquerors.They recognize timing and seasons. They know that a moment is just a moment… and this too shall pass!! God declared that they are victorious, therefore Winners know that if they agree and decree what God says, it shall be established.

Often all that separates a winner from a loser is the decision to be a winner. The New Orleans Saints just like David decided they would not be defeated. David decided that by facing his problems without fear, he had more to gain than he had to lose. He knew that this Giant was actually a grasshopper in God’s sight. After all, who can defeat our God? Then tell me, who can defeat this same God that lives inside of you? You can win when others are losing, you can soar when others are sinking. You can respond as one who has faith, while others respond in panic and in fear. You’ve decided you were born to WIN! There is NO failure in God and therefore there is No failure in YOU! So respond to the call to WIN and in doing so, needs would met and dreams would become a reality.The New Orleans Saints saw dreams become a reality on Sunday! That was there Day to go down in History. Today is your Day! Whatever the Day is DECIDE to go down in History as a Winner. I challenge you to respond to the winner on the inside of you. Be the inspiration, the winning image, the winner in a world filled with quitters, complainers, losers, and excuse makers. It doesn’t matter how big your giant is today, you become the giant slayer.

Take your weapon of choice and say what David said to your Giant, “This day, the Lord will hand you over to me”! SEE your Giants defeated now, in your heart and mind. Right now, decide to become a champion, a valiant fighter gaining superiority over all of the enemies that would hold you down and hold you back from being success You are more than a conqueror, overcoming all the forces seen and unseen that are coming up against you.… ALL Giants Must come down! You are a winner. You possess The Winning Image!

Since Sunday, Much has been written about the Game and much has been written on what it takes to win the game of life. A lifetime of experience says it's not as complicated as most people make it. Here's my list of 8 Giant-slayer coaching tips. Take what you want.

1. You can't succeed alone. Every story of success is a story of people working together, each contributing their own unique talents, skill sets and abilities. Do what you do best. (or as we say it in church) Do what you do so God can do what He does through you! Be YOU! And let others fill in the gaps. Remember, each of has our own personality, RED, GREEN, BLUE or YELLOW….. Take the strengths from your teams colors and make it work for you in your family, in your marriage, on your job, in your sorority or fraternity, in your department, in your church or in your business! TEAM – Together Everybody Achieves More!
2. Take time from your busi-ness every day - even if only 10 or 15 minutes - to center yourself. Some call it meditation. ‘Meditate on the word day and night and you shall have great success. What are you taking time to meditate on. Learn to rest and relax. No one enjoys getting caught up in your tyranny of urgency and worry. FEAR is the opposite of FAITH. You simply must believe. When you rest you’ll be more effective and you'll accomplish much more. (Use your own Cieaura sleep chip at night to get a good night’s rest & wake up with clarity and presence of mind to realize YES YOU CAN!) Trust in your God given ability to accomplish the task at hand, no matter how overwhelming it might seem. God never allows you to have more than you can bear! These trying times are simply to show you just how awesome you are! Remember, Opportunity’s are like windows. When one closes another one opens. When you’re well rested or when you Meditate, you can better locate your Windows of Opportunity! And don’t procrastinate when it opens. NOW is the acceptable time!
3 If you don't like where you are today, don't expect tomorrow to be any different without change. Change your attitude, your priorities, your activities. Change from being rea-c-tive to being c-rea-tive. same letters – just rearranged. Changing one letter leads to different a meaning which leads to different results!!
Take the letter “C” from the middle of your day and place it at the beginning of your day! C it before you C it and you will C it and B it! You are a product of your thoughts. It's true that 'thoughts are things'. Whatever you think about most of the time is what you create in your life. Hint: If you want more than you think you have now, don't *ever* give power or energy to thoughts of lack. I Did that and kept getting more of what I thought about "LACK"! (From FEB 1 - MAR 12, 2010 I am now on a 40 Day’s - Fasting from Negative Thinking!Join me) www.thewinningimage.blogspot.com.
5. You always receive what you give. Law of Reciprocity! Consequently, if you want help, be helpful. If you want honest relationships, be truthful. If you want success, help others get what they want. If you want love, be loving. The corollary is that you always find what you're looking for.
6. Life really is like a movie. The scripts has already been written, BUT you are the STAR!! The Holy Spirit should be your director and the world is the critic. Sometimes you get rave reviews, at other times you won’t. So what??? You’re still the STAR!!! Get it. NO ONE can take your place, even if they tried! And like a movie, it ends. But for us there are no rewinds, We just thank God for re-runs and the trilogy! What's important in life is not just the journey, but the quality of the journey; the choices we make on our journey.. That's why it's important to make every day the best it can be, 'cuz now is all you have. Remember that a moment is just that ….a moment! This too shall pass. As George Benson, so beautifully sang, “Everything Must Change”. Identify the season you’re in and edit the script accordingly! One thought I have adopted is, “ Rhonda, a year from now, a month from now, a week from now... would this scene in my movie OR my REALITY really matter? If not, then I DELETE it and it ends up on the editor’s cutting floor, never to be seen or heard of again! What scenes are you going to choose to delete so you can go forward???
7. Speak Positive. Your words have power. The universe does not know when you are joking! There are powers at work that confirm everything you say whether negative or positive. Angels harken or listen to your every word to bring it to pass in the earth - whether good or bad. Your speech nerve is the most powerful nerve in your body… ALL of your systems obey your speech…. try it…. what you say is heard and faith comes by hearing. You mind, will, emotions, body, intellect, memory faculty, conscience and sub-conscience states are neutral and they obey your words. They will obey anything you say to make it appear real and soon as a man thinks, so is the man! If you keep saying you can’t… then you won’t. But if you keep saying you can… you will. WHY?? Because, we are made in the image & likeness of God himself. Not only do our words have power, but we are creative beings. When we speak and believe, the very earth obeys. God said Let there be…. and there was. We say.. let there be, and it shall be.!!!
8. Perseverance always wins. Take a page from the little engine who could.. who thought… who did… who said his intentions out
loud...and who DID! When others said it could not be done... HE DID!
You can't fail if you don't quit. Find yet another way to make it work. Whatever *it* is for you, work it….And Slay your Giants! As Winston Churchill said in Britain's darkest hour, "Never, never, never give up."

I Leave you with a poem my husband posted in our newsletter which is one of his favorites:
Don't Quit


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and its turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When they might have won, had they stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit!

Alright Giant Slayers…. we live to make tomorrow a better and more successful day! My Success is not negotiable? What about yours?

Scene From: Facing The Giants:
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Winning Day - Day 9

Day 9 - Today we are continuing to fast from a "Negative Attitude". Attitude IS everything. And I want us to obliterate negativity from our lives. You CAN control whether life is easy or hard, by your attitude. People who hang on to their negative attitudes,never grow. They never experience the joy, contentment and success that
comes when we fast from the wrong attitude. Let's…CHANGE IT TODAY: Redefine "Attitude”. Attitude is a MINDSET that takes precedence over all other facts. Commit this to memory: I am wonderfully and powerfully made in the image of God and I am meant to soar today. I have The Winning Image!

The Winning Song: I AM Changing


Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Winning Antidote

"Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.

The Winning Day - Day 6

Day 6 - Today we're fasting from a "Negative Attitude". Make your
greatest discovery today! Is the greatest discovery peanut
butter, the moon, television, the internet? No. The greatest discovery
in life is that you can change your life by changing the attitude of
your mind and believe in yourself! Expect increase, jobs, promotions and success to come your way, because you are a believer. Your attitude of faith and expectation takes precedence over all other facts...beginning today! “IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, all things are possible.” (Mark 9:23). Think Positive - Believe in yourself - No matter What!!

The Winning Song: I You Believe!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Winning Antidote

"Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find."

The Winning Day - Day 5

Today,we’re fasting from Negative Imaginations.What we imagine within
has the power to come to pass. Fear is simply a negative imagination.
‘Seeing’ something bad happen in your mind before it happens is how fear
works. Job said, “What I have feared the most,has come upon me." (Job 3:25)
THINK IT & SAY IT: I cast down images in my mind—of fear,failure or the expectation of evil. I paintimages in my mind of victory and success. I set my mind on thingsabove. I expect to see, by faith, what my natural eyes can’t yet see;and I expect those things to come to pass, in Jesus’ Name.

The Winning Song: Imagine Me

The Winning Day - Day 4

Day 4- Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “Not everyone
can have great success."THINK IT & SAY IT:I choose to meditate on what the Word of God says,which is the key to great success. I believe it starts in my thinking
and I flood my mind with His promises of abundance. My gifts will make room for me. I embrace the pain ofchanging my thought life, and expect success. I have a covenant right to true and biblical success. It is in my blood. I break out of all past
limitations, and I will walk in the GREAT success that God has promised. I am destined for greatness. It has already been established, My success is not Negotiable!! In
Jesus’Name! Amen.

The Winning Song: Success is in Your Hands

The Winning Antidote

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

The Winning Day - Day 3

TODAY we are fasting from the thought that says, “Will I ever get ahead?THINK IT & SAY IT:I embrace a mindset of abundance. I refuse to allow excuses to limit me and keep me stuck in my life, spiritually, emotionally or financially. I am the head and not the tail. What I am, on the inside, is where I’m going on... the outside—I am getting ahead. I am breaking through barriers! I am on Another Level! My success is in my seed that I plant today to guarantee a harvest in every area of my life, as God takes me above and beyond where I’ve ever been, in Jesus’ Name!

The Winning Song: Breakthrough

The Winning Day - Day 2

Day 2 - Today we’re fasting from the thought that says: “Even if I change, it won’t last. I always fall back.” Imagine the promises of God coming to pass in your life, and refuse to replay past mistakes. Think it and SAY it, "I’m going forward". Listen to the voice of God, and let it keep you moving forward. God is at work in you to bring His change in your life. He keeps you from falling and empowers you to stand, in Jesus’ Name.

The Winning Song: Moving Forward

The Winning Day - Day 1

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says:"I Can’t Change!"

God has given you the gift to change. You can change habits,emotions and life by changing the way you think. Submit to the process of renewing my mind, and expect divine progress and supernatural change. Believe the love that God has for you produces change. Refuse to accept past definitions and limitations. Embrace God’s view of you through the mirror of His Word. You are being changed into His image NOW! Welcome to The Winning Image!

The Winning Song: Change by Tramaine Hawkins

The Winning Antidote

Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms, carry out your plan. -Paul Meyer