Welcome to "the winning image"

“If you can IMAGINE it, you can CREATE it. If you can DREAM it, you can BECOME it.” William Arthur Ward

Congratulations! You have decided to embrace the THOUGHT that you can be and do whatever you IMAGINE. Embarking upon this quest demonstrates your desire and determination to be transformed, first and foremost, by renewing your mind. You must realize that your outer expressions and actions will only be the results of inward reflections. You are the sum total of your thoughts.
“Sooner or later, those who WIN are those who THINK they can”! Richard Bach
A Successful Life is always under construction. But, we are houses not built by Man, and the blueprint of our destiny has all the building materials needed within to erect the winning image……the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. And although As HE is So are We, when we combine our distorted IMAGE with our erroneous THOUGHTS, our performance in life appears mediocre and unsuccessful. But if we,
“Change our IMAGE, we will Change Our PERFORMANCE” E.J. McKenzie
You may see yourself as average or even below average. You may think that your windows of opportunities to achieve greatness have closed and your timeline to become successful in whatever you desire has passed you by. What you SEE will cause you to SAY Words that will eventually Frame Your World. But TODAY, look within and SEE the wellspring of success, wealth and prosperity, deeply embedded with unlimited possibilities waiting for you to simply SEE, BELIEVE and SAY, “There is no Failure in God and therefore there is no failure in me”. MY Success is NOT Negotiable! What about yours? “Men are born to SUCCEED, not to fail” Henry David Thorough

Yesterday I dared to struggle, today I dare to WIN”! Bernadette Devlin

Monday, August 24, 2009

Giant- Slayers!

In I Samuel 17:23-27, we read how David faced a ten foot Giant named Goliath. Goliath had a breastplate that weighed two hundred pounds and a spear that was eight feet long. The head of the spear alone was twenty-five pounds of iron! This fearsome warrior was challenging the armies of God for forty-days and forty nights and everyone including the king was afraid of him. The armies of Israel believed that they would be defeated. Nevertheless, David saw defeat as an opportunity to WIN. He knew that the God he served and loved was BIGGER than any Giant he had to face.Why do some people win and others lose? Why do some soar while others sink? Why do some cower in fear, while others rise up to the challenge in faith? Well, It depends on how you perceive the problem or challenge and it depends on how you perceive your God.

Like the character David, in the bible, you must learn how to put your problems in to the proper perspective. The problem is often a smoke screen obscuring you from the truth! The truth is not found in the thing your face, it’s only found in the face your seek! The truth is never found in what you see, the truth is found only in who and what you believe. No, you may not be able to prevent problems from occurring. Solomon wrote, “Calamity happens to us all!” But you can change your perspective on how you handle or respond to the problem you are facing.

What is your corresponding response when situations occur and problems arise? Is it one of panic, fear, doubt, unbelief, anguish, depression? Or is it one of hope, assurance, faith, peace, soundness, stability and recognizing that when you’re weak that’s when He’s strong. The problems you face are not your real challenge. The real challenge is in knowing and believing that your God is bigger and greater than any problem you can face. In HIM you are more than able to conquer and overcome. You are not a victim, but Victorious! The situation you’re going through may look Gargantuas, but can I tell you… Giants do come down!

David had a winner’s perspective. David possessed The Winning Image! He did not focus on Goliath the Giant, but he focused on seeing himself as a Giant-slayer. How do you see yourself ? Better yet, how do you see your God?God is Greater than anything you can ever face. And Greater is He that is in you than He who is in the world. Winners don’t allow themselves to be shaped by circumstances, situations, recessions, or unemployment. Winners make lemonade out of lemons. They slay the giants by taking the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God to decree their victory. They praise their way out of the problem and into the proimises of God. For they remember in the midst of the battle, that they are More than Conquerers. God declared that we are victorious, therefore we must agree and decree what God says, so it can be established.

Often all that separates a winner from a loser is the decision to be a winner. David decided he would not be defeated. He decided that by facing his problems without fear, he had more to gain than he had to lose. He knew that this Giant was actually a grasshopper to God. Afterall, who can defeat our God? Then tell me, who can defeat this same God that lives inside of you?You can win when others are losing, you can soar when others are sinking. You can respond as one who has faith, while others respond in panic and in fear. You’ve been called to be a winner. So respond to the call. I challenge you to respond to the winner on the inside of you. Be the inspiration, the winning image, the winner in a world filled with quitters, complainers, losers, and excuse makers. It doesn’t matter how big your giant is today, you become the giant slayer.

Take the Sword – which is the word of God and speak to your Giant and say, “This day, the lord will hand you over to me. This day you are defeated. This day I WIN!” Right now, decide to become a champion, a valiant fighter gaining superiority over all of the enemies that would hold you down and hold you back. You are more than a conqueror, overcoming all the forces seen and unseen that are coming up against you. So go ahead, Giant-slayer: PRAY IN THE SPIRIT, WAR IN TEH SPIRIT, DEFEAT YOR ENEMY IN THE SPIRIT! FOR YOUR WEAPONS ARE NOT NATURAL , BUT MIGHTY SPIRITUAL ONES THAT WILL PULL DOWN ANY GIANT THAT STANDS IN YOUR WAY.... SEE your enemy defeated… Because ALL Giants Must come down! You are a winner. Because You now possess The Winning Image!

The Winning Song: "GIANTS" By: Donald Lawrencehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9EyLBcehQA